
Friday, January 14, 2011

Gen1: Chapter Four: Some Things Never Change....

The problem is we had no time. No time together, no time at home, no time to talk- no time at all. Moments after Kate became Mrs. Murphey, I had to leave for an opportunity I didn't want to miss. Sure, I hugged Kate goodbye and kissed her on the cheek. I told her how much I loved her, but it didn't feel different than any other time I did it. I thought being married meant things changed but nothing did.

Of course, I didn't have time to dwell on it. I was out the door and hunting down the boss of a restaurant so I could schmooze my way into a promotion at my job.

I spent twenty minutes talking to a woman who smelled of french fries. Really? Urgh.

Then it was back to work. I didn't make the right connection- I guessed, but I got my promotion anyway. You're looking at Sunset Valley's newest Taster. It's a pretty big step for someone who started out at the bottom rung of the ladder.

I worked hard until I was exhausted, eager to come home to my darling Kate.

Going home to my darling wife~

The sun was just setting when I made it in the door.

“Sweetheart, are you home?” I called out.

“Of course.” Kate's head peeked out at me and she smiled. “Where else would I be, silly?”

“Er- work. The maid job.” I suddenly felt very confused.

“I lost that job a long time ago, baby.” She tilted her head to the side. “I've been out of work.”

I took a minute to process her words. She didn't have a job? How long had she been out of work- and if she wasn't working, why had she been so busy when we were dating? The questions running through my mind didn't make me feel good. I hated thinking that I rushed into a marriage that might not work out. I really believed I loved her, and I had to trust her.

As I tried to shake the questions out of my mind, Kate must have sensed that I was feeling off.

“Don't worry, darling! I've applied for a position in the military. They make good money, there.” She gave me one of her warm smiles. “And since I'll be bringing in extra cash, I thought we could redo the house and make it into a real home! Doesn't that sound nice?”

It did. It sounded wonderful. Maybe things were changing after all.

True to her word, Kate got a position in the Military.

Man, did she ever look good in that Uniform. Rawr.

And her signing bonus was enough to make some changes to the house. Much needed-changes, I might add.

Like a door and roof.

A proper kitchen

A lovely little bedroom

And a bathroom.
Alright, alright, it was in the kitchen, but it sure beat showering outside.

We had lots of fun decorating the house and moving things around. I was still pretty exhausted from my work, though, and knew I had more ahead of me the next day.

I wiggled my eyes suggestively at Kate. “Care to join me in our new bed, Mrs. Murphey?”

She giggled, cupping her mouth and batting her eyelashes. “Of course, sweetheart! Let me grab a quick meal and I'll be right in!”

As a chef and virtuoso, I have to say that I loved listening to my wife in the Kitchen. The way she hummed to herself as she searched for her midnight snack. The soft 'ah' she made as she found what I assumed to be jam. The melodic slice of the bread. The gentle crunches she took and each soft breath she made after that.

It was it's own symphony, and it was enough to put me right to sleep.

(I was exhausted, after all!)

I always thought that, when you're married, you'll instinctively sense the other person next to you- if they are. I don't know, it's a funny sort of thing. I thought, even sleeping, that I would know the minute Kate snuggled up next to me. I would feel complete.

I didn't, though. It's foolish to think about, really. I was asleep, what would I know if she was there next to me or not? It does sound silly when you think about it, sensing someone in your sleep.

I guess it was just one of those things that I had expected to come with marriage. Something that I thought would change, but didn't.

Still, I was so sure I would be able to feel her laying beside me. In my sleep, a part of me wondered what was keeping her.

Where was she, and what was she doing?

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